The mIaXhEE Main Page!
Welcome! This site contains my personal experiments with computers, the web (HTML, JS), programming as well as various information I collect for my own use. It's not made to provide outstanding content to the univers. It's just my own playground. So don't expect much. My programming skills are unfortunately rather limited, so most of the stuff here is just copied and pasted from more able people. Nevertheless, I have great fun to discover, learn, document and experiment with this things and maybe you can find some inspirations for your own work.
Special thanks goes to the people from neocities.org who provide this amazing hosting service. It allowed me to move my experiments from my local host environment to the web. Thank you very much!
api testing
Quarto d3-graph-qmd-oberv-test10
endless ongoing
eloquent43 eloquent44 eloquent53 eloquent54 eloquent55 elo-array54
This page, no the entire site is under endless ongoing construction !!!
p.s. even worse than my programming skills are my spelling skills. You might find plenty of writing errors. You're allowed to keep them.
About this Site
This is Michael's web site. It's not a site with much valuable content. It's just my personal playground for HTML5, CSS, JS etc. and to keep my thoughts together.
as already mentioned on the Main Page: This site is under permanent construction....

1.) Genius Maximus (associative cyclic web; e.g. drop action cards to project threads; collaboration, #hashtag-db) (What)
2.) PeerServer for audio, data, IRC, pictures, files... with OS (PlanX ... Rx ;-)... Rx-F(event)-WebRTC-Rx) and transfer protocol...cyclic Cyprog
3.) Sys-architecture: Browser, JS, Browserver, embedded, Xen, Unikernel, SOC/GPU, OTP, Plan9 (How); SW-architecture: Rx, transducers, Clojure, SQL, Datomic
4.) the perfect picture (blender, unity) (beauty)
5.) Graph-App (force-directed from eloquentJS, and modify it with GPU.js) (e.g. #hashtag-DB, 'know each other', 3d-Pendel-game, radar-, net-, thing-valuator-, distr.Sys-, comic character-, survey-, BDev/PM-, content- visualizer, G.lang) with dynamic multiuser input (e.g. Gist or fire (make the browser the GUI of the OS (stdout) or any (elixir-, go-) app))
6.) high performance computing (hash, audio, graph, com-stack, VR, calc, Rx, GPU.JS ...)
7.) G.lang (CSS inspired declaration) or UCMS in JS
8.) App for browse history or collect infos (competitor features) or planning (Pipeliner, minutes writer, filter for twitter, url2qr-page, Cyprogs)/consulting/support (Q&A engine) or learning by doing book/ tool (could use UCMS?, with txt-parts and dot-list/slide fast tracks) or server sending mail to confirm access
9.) openFlow-, audio-, SIP-, switch (the phone or other Rasberry/Browser dev) (or the docking dev)
10.) 10 ha + 7 ha
11.) Steam storage, Ice generator, Ice/Gas lifter, house-lifter
12.) vertical solar pannels
13.) Inhouse / Inship farming or crystal ball
14.) Sterling Engine with "Wärmepumpe" or Kugel-Druck-Baterie
15.) Helium drone
16.) Glas panels or Keyboard
17.) Africa LED lamp
Things I'd like to do a.s.a.p.
1.) Try Datomic. Create an IPFS page as desribed in this article.
2.) Learn Clojurescript and do UCMS! Then maybe learn Phoenix with this article or with this article or with this book and put a Phoenix app to Heroku as described in this article. Or to DigitalOcean as described here. Or (Elixir) to Nitrous.
3.) Play more with Elixir, Clojure and OpenCL 2.0 (e.g.). Maybe update the Elixir CMS app from Sardinia (or write it in JS) (Try blob, tree, commit (Git) instead topics, subtopics..(See Git in this article)). Or maybe SIP selected audio streams or maybe browser GUI.
4.) Play more with X3DOM (try this). Read JSON data from GIST.
5.) Firebase API (to display() to the browser). Or Kinto.
6.) Play with Audio (web audio). Do the phone. Try JS node-speaker and mpg123 (MP3). Try npm SIP, SIP-client, ALSA ...
7.) Play with
to create hashes...(see BitTorrent Mainline DHT ) And maybe read her about SSL.
8.) Play with curl|bash installation (as of this) (curl -s http://server/path/script.sh | bash /dev/stdin (OR -s) arg1 arg2 OR curl -sL https://.... | sudo bash -). Install on local then use it in the cloud.
9.) use Emmet Syntax for graph configuration (child: >, sibling: +, climb-up: ^, grouping: () (or fkt(?)), multiplication: *, item numbering: $, #id, .item, new(), p{} character of, @ converts result to position (at) (???), all unknown abbrivations will be tried as f()'s e.g. shortest-path (???), ... ).
10!) Do PeerServer and cyclic PlanX. Do JS. (start with JS objects, func, Rx, forms... formerly extend the jq menu. What about another servers e.g. on Heroku? That's (not) node) 24.5.16. (but clojure) 7.6.16
11.) Do the openFlow Switch.
12.) Try Swiss CloudScale, DO, Linode, AWS, Heroku or Atlas. Or (Nitrous Koding) free cloud9 or HEROKU!!! :-)
13.) Play with Rasberry e.g. with FreeBSD or Plan 9.
14.) Do the IPv6 configuration. Maybe try pfsense.
15.) Play with Freeswitch, NKsip, WebRTC SIP clients. Use this great guide or try overSIP or jsSIP or refer to this (reSIProcate) or this (PJSIP)
16.) Migrate the Dropbox content.
17.) Try Crab adds SQL to your command line.
18.) Try a Bitbucket privat repo.
19.) Try this nice WYSIWYG ContentTool to do an editable page (server needed to save the modifications).
20.) ... don't forget Racket.
languages resources
rosettacode.org is a valuable place for code examples.
Learn X in Y minutes is a good place to study languages.
Libraries.io Libraries.io The Open Source Discovery Service.
How I start with erlang, elixir, ruby, go, haskell, nim, clojure, c++.
One-Click-to-Be-Pro for JS, Tools, Programming ...
Find what repositories the GitHub community is most excited about today
Getting Started with (Graph) Databases
about statements and expressions ...
Web Components resp. Custom Elements.
+PeerServer a P2P WebRTC server in the browser (from Sophia and Brie).
Audio: Audio editor SOX with examples. see also wiki and wiki and also see portaudio .
Web Audio: or try HTML/Web audio (see Spec Web audio API ) (see examples ) (see book ) (see JS repos at joerl github).
Using the Web Audio API (Mozilla Dev Network).
web audio and webrtc: read this or webaudio/webrtc-integration or stackoverflow or example1 or example2 or webRTC Tests or experiment or webAudio slides.
howler.js - Modern Web Audio Javascript Library.
T("timbre.js") audio.
mlab (free) MongoDB Hosting.
swtch board (Russ Cox, Plan 9 [1] [Plan9 has 51 sys calls] ...)
clive di Laboratorio de Sistemas // Systems Lab
WebAssembly, A New Binary Format For The Web
Article about WebAssembly
$cash Cash is a cross-platform implementation of Unix shell commands written in pure ES6

Article on Microsoft has released a Debian Linux switch OS called SONiC
Google contributes rack specification with 48V power distribution
Cumulus Networks, Inc. contributes ONIE (the Open Network Install Environment) a small OS, pre-installed as firmware on bare metal network switches, that provides an environment for automated operating system provisioning.

onos open network operating system

Xen Next Generation Cloud: The Rise of the Unikernel
Mirage OS: is a Xen and Linux Foundation incubator project (see also)
rumpkernel: Serve a static website as a Unikernel
articles/unikernels-meet-docker Learn the differences between Linux containers, containers per VM, and unikernels

linux syscalls (old list)
Kernel bypass traffic generator
Buildroot Making Embedded Linux Easy
Linux audio [how it works] : ALSA , (KLANG). See this good slides about Audio in embedded Linux systems.
See the secure OS project Qubes.

SharpDX 1.0, a new platform independent .Net managed DirectX API
Microsoft Bot Framework .
Developer Assistant puts millions of code snippets at your fingertips while you are coding in Visual Studio.

go web server Rendering JSON and others.
An introduction to LLVM in Go .

ES6 Overview in 350 Bullet Points.
a re-introduction to JavaScript (good JS tutorial).
graphicsjs.org A lightweight JS graphics library, based on SVG/VML.
Send two HTTP requests and visualize any differences.
about function arguments (call back functions) and object oriented JS examples.
cheerp® is the C++ to Javascript compiler for the web.
Building a 3D Engine with JavaScript .
Typescript 2.0 is now available.

Introduction (slides).
CSP channels for Javascript (like Clojurescript's core.async, or Go).
Streams Living Standard.
Transducers with Observable Sequences and Rx.Observable.prototype.transduce(transducer) .
rxjs-is-great-so-why-have-i-moved-on or ReactJs is better without RxJS .
Article: Introduction to RxJS .
Microsoft: RxJS or Reactive Extensions for JavaScript.
more Rx examples captureStream() demos and slides (with a form example).
example "game" and about RxJS on Youtube.
Ben Lesh (Netflix) on Learning Observable By Building Observable .
101 Rx Samples - a work in progress wiki.
the .NET Reactive Extensions (Rx) (a tech journal).
Introduction to Rx.com getting started with Reactive Extensions to .Net..
node-patterns-from-callbacks-to-observer .
reactive-programming-with-matthew-podwysocki .
Getting Started With Rx.js: A Gentle Introduction.
RxJs Breakout Game example (with WebAudio sound).
rxmarbles.com Interactive diagrams of Rx Observables.

cycle.js.org new web framework.
Gist tutorial: The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing.
cycle-js-fundamentals (course).
cycle.js Youtube intro with Andre Staltz (Reactive 2015).
Sparks.Network (Volunteers) frontend in cycle (github).
Tutorial building-realtime-applications-with-cyclejs-and-rxjs.
Demystifying Cycle.js (core source) .

now take Node.js to the cloud.
Localtunnel allows you to easily share a web service on your local development machine .
Free, automated HTTPS for NodeJS made easy .

Physijs (from chandlerprall).
Physijs Github.
blog 3d-physics-with-three-js-and-physijs.

createJS (incl. tween.js, sounds.js ...).
Chris Strom(3D Game Programming for Kids. For sounds, tween and ICE editor ...).

webrtc.org: home of the WebRTC project.
g.co/webrtc : links to other WebRTC resources.
webrtc.github.io/samples: WebRTC samples live.
The WebM project: VP9 resources.
VP9 is now available in WebRTC.
WebRTC oreilly chapter.
medianews.me blog Audio, video and realtime communication.

9 things every React.js beginner should know.
Do Components in JS directly, without React.

A few HTML tips - Mozilla

getting started with erlang tutorial

awesome-elixir (github). A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things
run elixir on Nitrous with intro to Elixir example.
Nerves-project.org Elixir for embedded system firmware
an interesting elixir blogger with elixir firebase API lib
C: Using C from Elixir with NIFs
Binaries: here is a very good describtion about working with binaries this (PNG) or this (MP3).
Elixir graph data structures with Erlang's digraph
Ephemeral P2P over websockets, Phoenix/Elixir
Functional parallel programming in Elixir
One-Click Install Elixir on Ubuntu 14.04 with DigitalOcean

Nvidia board jetson-tk1 or 1TFlop jetson-tx1 resp. tx1
QOTOM-Q190G4 4 LAN Mini PC !!!!
PC Engines GmbH Glattbrugg apu2b4 board
lattepanda A Windows 10 IoT computer
ASrock board
RB450G router board
MinnowBoard Max: $99 Intel Atom-powered single-board computer
Let’s add a dirt cheap screen to the Raspberry Pi B+
Monitor your local network with Raspberry Pi
60fps web application in RaspberryPI

OpenFlow Switch on Raspberry Pi
List of OpenFlow Software Projects
The Intel® DPDK Accelerated Open vSwitch
project floodlight OpenFlow controller
project Indigo (floodlight) OpenFlow agent
project OFTest (floodlight)
LINC (GitHub) Erlang Open Flow switch (slides)
how to setup LINC and test Ryu OF-config with it
LINC configuration: a learning Switch in OpenFlow 1.3
ofelia OpenFlow in Europe, and ofertie
meshsr: a Xilinx (FPGA) based OpenFlow system (Github), and see this article.
Cheapest OpenFlow switch in the world. Using the Raspberry Pi as an OpenFlow switch. (part 5)

See this the Nature of Lisp and maybee this why Lisp, or this Little Lisp interpreter
Whalesong: a Racket to JavaScript compiler
Low-level web programming in Racket + a wiki in 500 lines
FrTime: A Language for Reactive Programs.
Datalog: Deductive Database Programming

ClojureScript is the Triforce of Power (blog).
good artivle: communicating-sequential-processes (core.async, ClosureScript...)
Comparing Core Async and Rx by Example
transducers-are-coming by Rich Hickey
getting-started-with-clojure on Heroku
e-book clojure-for-the-brave-and-true
A RPG Game example in Clojure
Your Mouse is a Database by Erik Meijer Rx in Java
Build a Clojure web application with DevOps Services and Bluemix
Anatomy of a Reducer rich hickey on May 15, 2012
How to klipsify a clojure[script] blog
How we embedded ClojureScript in our GitHub pages
ClojureScript wrappers around the Web Audio API
clj-audio based on Java audio
or dynne for audio
or overtone
braveclojure.com become a better programmer

Datomic: up and running YouTube live coding
Tutorial: Learn Datalog Today
A Clojure / Datomic Web App Tutorial: Part 1

Hosting a Website on IPFS step by step

See OpenCL and WebCL with examples.
CUDAfy.NET write GPU Code in .NET C#
vulkan-tutorial (PDF)
SPIR-V Specification (PDF)
Go encoder/decoder for the Khronos SPIR-V binary format (github)
See Java OpenCL support aparapi with examples and this pdf
list of tools on gpu open.com/professional-compute

Numeric Erlang - vector and matrix operations with CUDA (github)
Kevin Smith - Erlang & CUDA (video)

Introduction to HSA (CPU evolution)
First AMD HSA-capable hardware is Kaveri. ( boards)
See Harlan a lispy lang for GPU programming.

netmap a framework for high speed packet I/O (and Netgate An IPv4 router over netmap for FreeBSD
Vale a Virtual Local Ethernet (and A Blazingly Fast Software Switch.

Overviewlist of Open Source VOIP Software
Wikipedia List of SIP SW
PJSIP a free open source library written in C implementing SIP, SDP, RTP, STUN, TURN, and ICE
Other SIP resources are overSIP or jsSIP or reSIProcate
A complete SIP phone app linphone.org (goto https://web.linphone.org to use the free linphone.org SIP service with the miax account)
Here is a great guide on how to setup VoIP.
sipml5 World's first HTML5 SIP client
NkSIP: (slides) The Erlang SIP application server
NkSIP GitHub

802-1Q-2014 Bridges and Bridged Networks
IEEE 802.3: Ethernet
IEEE Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) Task Group before AVB
RFC7720 DNS Root Name Service Protocol and Deployment Requirements
RFC7950 Yang 1.1 data modeling language
Here are some demo apps I made (or copied).
A jquery slide show.
A Rx slide show.
load a slide with ajax.
A jquery menu.
A simple kanban app.
A simple list app.
horizontal tabs with bootstrap 1st example (use for later modify my page).
vertical button tabs w3school 1st example (use for later modify my page).
vertical set gist 1st with oAuth.
An app that shows the coordinates of your current location.
An app that runs simpleWebRTC as from this page (needs CHROME to work).
A GitHub API access example using the gh3 client-side Javascript API wrapper for GitHub API V3.
Read GitHub API with ajax as of this .
Simple GitHub Gist read with ajax as of this answer .
A telnet client in racket [src].
A portaudio example in racket [src] and [stream src] (do paket install first in DrRacket). Or RSound
A Farn in racket [src].
A 3d-sphere in racket [src].
Google login (use another browser tab to check login and to logout).
Audio experiment No.1 (HTML audio tag).
Audio experiment No.2 (JS audio controls).
Audio experiment No.3 (play streams).
Audio experiment No.4 (play mp3 file and shows analyze with webaudio (works only when chrom's started with chrome --disable-web-security).
Audio experiment No.5 (stack overflow example (streams local file and therefore works well with chrom)).
Audio experiment No.6 play page and file hosted on Dropbox and analyze with webaudio (works with FireFox or chrom but only when chrom is started with >chrome --disable-web-security.
Reactive spaceship.
Reactive wiki search 1.
Reactive wiki search 2 (same as 1 but much mor reactive).
Sqlite example3.
A 2d graph with constant layout.
A 2d graph with pinning.
A 2d graph with pinning (circles).
A 2d SZ-network graph with pictures, node menues and more.
A 3d 12 x 12 grid.
A 3d grid with cubes inside [src].
A 3d grid with my site icon on the cubes.
A 3d grid with sprites [src].
my graph eloquent graph 1.
x3d cube .
Three x3d objects.
marble machines etc. neocities.org.
fully-procedural sea surface computing (would like to know how it works).
scene3d graph1.
scene3d graph2 (network data loaded with JSON).
scene3d graph3 (actors data loaded with JSON).
Kids-3d rotating torus.
Kids-3d Moon phases (hit Spacebar).
Kids-3d Solarsystem .
Kids-3d Avatar Game with sound.
GPU.JS demo Matrix multiplication benchmark (use Chrome).
heroku app 2 (/camel?input=camel-snake-kebab or camel-snake-kebab).
Eloquent1-gpu eloquent1-gpu.
My tech Diary
This is for my personal usage to help me remember what happend.
Site Diary
This is for my personal usage to help me remember why, when and how I developed this site.
January 22.
my archive of various items that are somehow a bit outdated.
SIP phone app linphone.org (goto https://web.linphone.org to use the free linphone.org SIP service with the miax account)
An info-button example.
A page (site) hosted on Dropbox.
youtube-dl command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com .
sikuli.or Automate Anything You See.
about make (einfache Einführung).
Family Diary
Time is flying and we forget so quickly about all the great moments we liked so much. Since quite a while I wanted to write down this kind of diary to help me better remember.
July / August
July / August
July / August
July / August
Contact Info
Send me a quick message but I will probably not respond hastily (This page was just to play with forms. No message can be sent with this. Better use this).
Tweets von @miaxhee3
Here you can put your comments. But since this site is more for fun and playing arround don't expect that the comments will be read or answered within reasonable time or at all.
The idea for this page was to play with DISQUS, a commenting service available for the web. It works fine, but it takes quite a long time until it loads. So please be patient.